On the occasion of observing World Social Work Day, a conference named Respecting diversity through joint social action took place on March 21, 2023. The convention happened on the premises of the Federation of Associations OPENS in Novi Sad.
The initiative to hold an international conference came from the need to make the activities of social workers in Serbia as visible as possible and to abet their networking and exchange experience.
Reports were primarily presented by social and scientific workers in various fields and professors of social work from the country and abroad. In their addresses, they dealt with topics related to the position, education, and ethics of persons engaged in the social work field, followed by the mental health of professionals, their role in the protection of women victims of violence, and the children and young deprived of parental care. They also discussed counseling and therapy services, deinstitutionalization, research, and various contemporaries. A discussion followed after each presentation.
On behalf of IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA, a student in professional practice, Gala Kastratovic attended the conference. She gained valuable knowledge and experience from the event.