The organizational team of the educational program IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA issued a list of the second generation enrolled in the non-formal educational program of disability studies DISABILITY TODAY.

Everyone enrolled will receive detailed instructions by email for entering the non-formal Educational Program of Disability Studies DISABILITY TODAY and the work plan and program by Friday, 5:00 p.m, February 28, 2025.
The non-formal educational program of disability studies DISABILITY TODAY comprehends acquiring knowledge from contemporary disability studies theory and methodology, becoming acquainted with the experience of living with disability and applying this knowledge in ongoing activities and research within the local community. The program is designed to enhance the visibility of contributions the women and men with disabilities made to cultural, artistic, scientific, political, and social spheres; map the obstacles persons with disabilities face in exercising their rights; improve their rights and the capacity of the community of persons with disabilities to realize their rights.
The participants that complete the program DISABILITY TODAY successfully will be able to:
- define critical disability studies
- perceive disability as a social phenomenon
- be informed about the development of the disability rights movement and independent living philosophy
- get to know the international and national framework that promotes and ensures the rights of persons with disabilities and socioeconomic equality for them
- learn to recognize concepts such as segregation, integration, inclusion, and design for all in the world that surrounds them
- analyze discrimination and defiance of disability in legal, medical, educational, and work contexts, as well as in culture, art, and media
- present the contribution of renowned men and women with disabilities from all over the world and region
- interpret disability policy via the lived experience of disability
- get to know about the personal experience of persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, in the area of sexual and reproductive rights and gender-based violence.
The program will run from March 6 to June 20, 2025, consisting of 32 hours, in 8 modules, delivered both in-person and online formats.