The organization for providing support for women with disabilities …IZ KRUGA -VOJVODINA intensified its activities on providing accessibility of protection services from gender-based violence against women with disabilities. This way, they joined the STEP UP! campaign of the European network against violence against women. The campaign aims to enhance the service availability for gender-based violence, including women with disabilities.
Being aware of the importance of the opinion exchange between the institutions and the civil sector to achieve accessibility for women and children endangered by domestic violence …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA signed a Treaty for Mutual Cooperation and Support with the Social Welfare Center Novi Sad. The treaty implies joint work during the year on raising awareness about the significance of the accessibility of local social services for protection against violence against women and children for all women and children, including the ones with disabilities. It also aims to contribute to the accessibility of existing services for domestic violence for women and children with disabilities, especially of the Social Welfare Center Novi Sad – Shelter for Women and Children in Danger of Domestic Violence – Women’s Safe House.
One form of cooperation mentioned in the treaty is a joint realization of projects. Thitherward …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA made a project proposal – Improvement of Accessibility of Housing Service for Domestic Violence Victims, Women and Children with Physical and Sensory Disability and signed it up for a Public Contest for co-financing projects of the associations and other organizations of the civil society in the area of social housing announced by the Ministry of Construction, Transportation, and Infrastructure.

Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure assigned ten million dinars to endorse projects for social housing and supported ten safe house reconstruction projects, among which is the one from …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Construction, transportation and Infrastructure and the president of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality, Dr. Zorana Mihajlovic, emphasized at the solemn ceremony of signing the document that the contest is an excellent example of the cooperation between the public and local administration, and civil sector. It contributes to the enhancement of the housing conditions in safe houses for women victims of domestic violence, but at the same time is a way to elevate the fight against violence on a higher level and clearly say ” Stop violence against women!”

The director of …IZ KRUGA- VOJVODINA, Ms. Svjetlana Timotic, signed a contract about co-financing the project with the minister, Ms. Zorana Mihajlovic, on 23rd May 2017. With funding from the Ministry on Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure on 15th July 2017. the construction work on the Women’s Safe House of the Social Welfare Center from Novi Sad will commence. It will be done following the principles of accessibility set up in the Novi Sad’s Strategy about Accessibility 2012-2018. and will enable this service of social care to become available to women and children with physical and sensory disabilities.
Dr. Nada Padejski Sekerovic, manager of the Women’s Safe House of the Social Welfare Center Novi Sad, highlighted that this project improves the accessibility of the Safe House for women with disabilities. It also sends a message that the door of social care is opened for all women, no matter their disability or other difficulties they might be facing.