The coordinator of the SOS service, Ivana Zelic, on the behalf of the Organisation …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA held an online meeting with the representatives of the institutions in Novi Knezevac, where Special Guidelines for Responding in Cases of Violence Against Women with Disabilites were introduced. The meeting took place on 14th May 18, 2021 at 13h, via ZOOM aplication.
Guidelines for the respond of the institutions in cases of violence against women with disabilities were done as a part of the project Improvement of policies and capacities of the service providers in ten municipalities in Republic of Serbia (Doljevac, Novi Knezevac, Mionica, Negotin, Kragujevac, Raska, Uzice, Valjevo, Zabalj) in oder to ensure accessibility, availability and quality of general and specialized services for women with disabilities exposed to violence, which is part of the regional program Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkans and Turkey: implementation of normatives and awarness shifting. The project is accomplished in collaboration with the UN Agency for gender equality and enpowering of women UN WOMEN and with the financial support of the European Comission.
It was suggested that The Guidelines, which define the postulates, skills, way of communication and acting of the members of the institutions while dealing with women with disabilities, are inserted into the Agreement of acting and cooperation of the institutions in cases of violence agaist women in families and in partnerships.
The subject of the Agreemnet is establishing a good cooperation between the professionals from different institutions of help and support system for the citizens that suffer violence in families or relationships. It is very difficult to brake the circle of violence without continuous, timely and wholesome intervetion from the experts working in those institutions.
The endorsers af the attachment that makes the Guidelines part of Agreement of acting and cooperation of the institutions in cases of violence agaist women in families and in partnerships are: Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office Kikinda, Misdemeanor Court Kikinda, department of Novi Knezevac, Center for Social Work Novi Knezevac, Police Station Novi Knezevac, Municipality Novi Knezevac, and Community Health Center Novi Knezevac.