Seven students of the Philosophy Faculty University of Novi Sad realized professional practice at IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA during March and April 2023. A female student in the Master Studies of Social Entrepreneurship at the Department of Sociology engaged 90 hours in total, and four female students and two male students of the Social Work engaged 30 hours each.

During professional practice, the students got familiar with the history, current functioning, and segments of the work of IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA (services, campaigns, advocacy activities, research, publication work, the Disability Portal). They learned about models of disabilities, disability language, standards of accessibility and design for all, and gained basic knowledge about domestic and intimate partner violence against women with different types of disabilities, treatment of women with different types of disabilities and women that live in residential institutions.
Furthermore, they were informed about the functioning of organizations of persons with disabilities, the international film festival “Seize the Film”, World Social Work Day, and The International Federation of Social Workers. During the professional practice, they participated in current activities and events (improvement and maintenance of social networks, a gathering about the role of health professionals in protection from domestic violence, a conference on the occasion of World Social Work Day, film night on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, meeting with the representatives of the Youth Office, etc).
During professional practice in IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA, all students came to practice regularly and on time, approached work tasks seriously and responsibly, and performed them with motivation and interest. Students pointed out that they find it valuable to have the opportunity to find out more about obstacles women with different types of disabilities face in everyday life and residential institutions and to learn basics of treatment depending on the type of disability because they have no opportunity to study about it in the study programs they attend.