Finger Knitting Workshops on Thursdays

Category: News, Trainings & Education

The seat of …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA organization (67, Bulevar vojvode Stepe St, Novi Sad) will be the venue of the first within a cycle of FINGER KNITTING  workshops. The first in a series of workshops has been scheduled for Thursday, 5 February 2015 at 16 h. The attendance is free. The workshop leader is Maja Lulić, a pedagogist and creative associate of …IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA. The workshops are supported by of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality. Each workshop lasts for 120 minutes (with a tea and women’s chat break), while the entire course (of mastering the knitting technique at the beginners’ level) will include eight workshops. Groups will involve 5-8 participants (8 – because it resembles a double loop). If you would like to be one of them, let us know at

Why do we recommend this workshop? Because it requires nothing but a piece of thread and some patience. It is a good finger gymnastics. It inspires creativity. It literally keeps your hands busy and mind calm. It is creative, fun and womanly. No, it is nothing like Penelope’s doing – we are waiting for nothing, but are (literally) holding the thread of our work in our hands. Just like Ariadna, we keep bringing ourselves out of the labyrinth (of everyday routine). And because so many of the Ancient Greek wisdom goddesses are master weavers…

Contemporary neurological research confirm the (mythical and suppressed) understanding of fine relations between the skill of knitting and mental growth. Experiments have shown that practicing dexterity of hand muscles can stimulate mental activity. Rhythmical activity of knitting leads into a state of calmness, engages the will for creation, instigates productivity. Each arm having its task, both brain lobes’ activities synchronize, just like the control of eyes over hands. Following the intertwined thread (loops and knots) is analogous to following one’s own thoughts. It is all logical, is it not? Additionally, each skill mastered brings about a new (necessary) dosage of self-respect.

You can most certainly stay at home and try counting loops watching a web-tutorial. But only until Thursday. Then we will learn from Maja how to make scarves, caps and other accessories…


Maja Lulić (1983), BA in pedagogy and a certified assertiveness trainer with several years of activist experience in organizations advocating for the rights of people with disabilities. She attended many trainings in non-violent communication, emotional literacy and leadership, as well as creative handicrafts.

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