Organization … IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA and the School of Medicine on April 7, held a graffiti drawing action on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 entitled Mogu da necu – Love is not violence! The action took place in the courtyard of the School of Medicine, on the wall at the student entrance, and was attended by representatives of the students’ parliament and students of this school who passed peer workshops against gender-based violence.
The campaign Mogu da necu, implemented within the Zero Tolerance for Gender-Based Violence project, implemented by the Autonomous Women’s Center in partnership with the organization … IZ KRUGA – VOJVODINA and 13 other organizations across Serbia dealing with protection against gender-based violence. The project is aimed at increasing the safety experience of young girls from sexual and gender-based violence, and project activities are being implemented in 30 secondary schools and 8 faculties.
The project is financially supported by the United Nations Fund for the Suppression of Violence against Women (UNTF) and is being implemented with the recommendation of the Anti-Discrimination and Violence Group of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.