Six members of the Association of Parents of Handicapped Children and Youth Leptir from Srebrenica, Vera Grujicic, Zeljka Maric Katanic, Izeta Mujanovic, Dajana Simic, Vesna Stjepanovic, and Selena Zivkovic visited IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA on July 13, 2023, where they were hosted by Svjetlana Timotic, Veronika Mitro and Suzana Belos. It was their second visit; the first get-together of the two organizations happened on July 8, 2021.
Representatives of IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA presented the statistics of services given to women with and without disabilities exposed to violence in the first half of 2023, introduced the guests to the current engagement in organizing the conference termed Why do we Need Disability Studies honoring Human Rights Day and with preparatory activities for an informal educational program of disability studies that will be launched at the beginning of 2024 by IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA.

Members of the Association Leptir shared their favorable impressions from the study visit to the Association for Helping Mentally Underdeveloped Persons Plava Ptica in Kula municipality, which they carried out with the support of The Ecumenical Initiative of Women from Omis. Members of The Plava ptica Association presented the social services they provide – daily care center, assisted living, infirmary, early development counseling center, personal companion, help and care service at home. In addition, The Plava ptica Association founded a social enterprise TH-INK that produces bathroom tissues, where they employ persons with disabilities and mental issues. Members of the Association Leptir were all elated by the visit to Kula and The Plava ptica Association and motivated to apply some of the seen in their local community.
The guests from Srebrenica then presented to the representatives from IZ KRUGA VOJVODINA the Agenda of youth with disabilities from the municipalities of Srebrenica and Bratunac about the problems, needs, and achievements they face in their daily functioning, which they created within the framework of the SOCIETIES2 project supported by the European Union.
All the participants accepted the proposal that the next meeting of the two associations should take place in Srebrenica, preferably this year!